Sunday, 30 May 2010

I've done it!

892 miles JOG to LE on a Raleigh Chopper!

Shortly after 2pm today, a tired and emotional 57 year old bloke wheeled his Chopper through the crowds right down to the Finger Post.

I have much to say, but after a good meal enroute home at Smokey Joe's, and then a few beers at the Buccaneer Inn in Gunnislake, followed by a long hot bath and a couple more beers in celebration, I'm not in the best frame of mind to give a fullsome and informative report.
(I'm sure you all understand)

Rest assured, that tomorrow morning will see me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to publish my memoirs properly.

Suffice it to say, that today will be recorded in the annals of history as a Momentous Day.

Hang on guys for more .................



  1. Congratulations, fantastic achievement! Thanks to you and Hilary for all the blog entries, has been great following it all.

  2. Outstanding! Awesome! Bloody marvellous! and many more words that are far too long for my little brain, but all come with exclamation marks :-) That you would take a hefty old Raleigh Chopper and do this is inspiring and arguably a little bit nutty. But that you took it and did it for the little people puts you on the highest pedestal I can imagine. It's been inspiring, entertaining and quite thrilling to follow your adventure. You're one in a million, Mick F. I shall remember your journey forever, and the little people will remember it too. Hat's off to Mick F, a model human being if ever there was one. What a guy! Now I'll put my money where my mouth is and send my cheque to the little people :-)

  3. Mick ..I’ve been following your journey right from the very early days in the planning stages, early blog posts, the huge CTC post and the nightly ritual of your reports and I can only imagine what it must of felt when you crossed the ‘winning line’.

    A massive congratulations!

    Take it from someone who has only just returned to cycling after a 30yr + ‘break’ you have actually been inspirational, suffice to say my plans for a 2011 JOGLE have started!!

    Now put yer feet up! Well Done.

    I always ask this when people achieve things ....what one item would you have taken and what one item would you have binned?

    Steve - Kidderminster

  4. Well done, Mick. I admire you, great inspiration you are.

  5. Fantastic, Mick!
    You are an inspiration to us all.

    I promised you a beer once you've finished your JOGLE and I intend to make good on that promise.

  6. Magnificent Mick. I remember one of your early posts describing passing Lejogers heading in the opposite direction, and yesterday I met a friend who had just completed the ride a couple of weeks ago. I asked if he'd seen you and indeed he had. I told him that you were finishing at about the time that we were talking so we hurried to the beer tent (it was at a huge wedding party) grabbed a couple of plastic cups and toasted you with a couple of flat pints of Dent ale.

    Chapeau to you sir.

  7. JOGLE2011,
    What would I have left behind?
    I took what I wanted - precisely. I didn't use or need most of the tools or spares - thank goodness. But I could have done! The small toolbox weighed a bit with the stuff in, but I wouldn't like to have gone that far without it all.

    The video camera has a big capacity battery, so in actual fact, I didn't need to have taken the charger unit. I had a poly bag with various leads and chargers: two USB connectors - camera and Garmin, camera charger, laptop power unit, little radio and earphones, mains lead, and phone charger.

    My alu box seemed to swallow everything easily, so space, including the two small panniers wasn't an issue.

    What more could I have taken?
    I had to buy a comb! I forgot all about one!

    Thanks for reading, and well done for getting back to cycling!


  8. Bonkers?
    You bet I am!

    Would I do it again?
    Not on a Chopper!

