Sunday, 16 May 2010

Hi everyone in Blogland!
I'm Hilary, Mick's wife, and I've been given the monumental task of filling in a few 'today' blanks. You all know the expression, 'well follow that...' then you know how I feel.

If you're wanting geographical details, calorific statistics or indeed anything technical, well, I'm afraid I'm not your man ( or woman )

What I can tell you is that Mick has done 89 miles plus today from Inverness to Pitlochry. It's taken him about 11 hours. The wind was ok, the weather glorious and he's now a very tired little bunny! No doubt that's not a very technical term, but it works for me!

His ride has been, from what I can gather, as expected, except for
an incident with the chain and what I understand to be 'bottom sprockets'. I'm sure that when Mick has WiFi again he'll explain all.

When I spoke to my wonderful husband, apart from sounding tired and urgent, I knew he was in need of food, sleep and beer, though not necessarily in that order!

Tomorrow he'll be on his way to Edinburgh, where he'll be staying in a Youth (that's a laugh) Hostel. It's from there, he expects to be able to blog again.

Whilst taking a break in Aviemore, a couple came up to Mick and gave him a donation for the cause! People really are lovely! And when I spoke to Mick an hourish ago, people were busy taking photos and asking pertinent questions. Fantastic!

Meanwhile, back at base camp, I have a cold and I'll be back at work tomorrow!
( Sniff!)

Thanks for having the patience to read my drivel, but mostly thanks for following Mick's progress. X


  1. It's been such fun reading the updates and watching the videos. It's quite possible that a couple of those lejogers with a tail wind were friends of mine.
    Sounds like you've done a blinder today Mick. 89 miles is going some after the battles of yesterday. Chapeau to you!
    Looking forward to riding with you later this week, though I'm getting fearful that I'll be left in the wake of the Chopper. I've been suffering with a weak knee for a couple of weeks and so have to start retraining tomorrow. Is there a treat you'd like that I can stow in the saddlebag?

  2. 89 miles, that's awesome progress on a hefty Chopper and trailer! I'm in complete awe! Thankyou Hilary for the update, I fear withdrawal symptoms if I don't read a daily update :-)

  3. Thanks for the update, well done Mick! I see Monday's a big 72 mile ride as well. Hope your cold drys up quickly.

  4. Thanks for the update Mrs Mick Hilary.I wish I had your husbands bottle but reading his blog is making me really think about doing something like this again.Please make sure you let us followers know where we can send any donations.
    Looking forward to the next report.
