Monday, 24 May 2010

Hello, it's Little Old Me again! Mick's not got an internet connection in Ludlow, so he's given me a few pertinent points to keep you up to date.

He left Wrexham at 8.30 this morning, after a welcome rest with his sister, and cycled 61 miles in hot sunshine to Ludlow, arriving there at 14.40.

Apart from the heat, his only other problem was an embarrassing 'chain coming off' event just as he was leaving! All was sorted quickly and he was soon on his way.

Shrewsbury proved a nuisance though, as he got a bit lost going through the centre, though he obviously fought his way through that as he's no longer there!

Needing a comfort break in Shrewsbury also proved problematical, as the gents were closed, so being a resourceful chappie, Mick called in at the ladies!

The traffic on the A49 was not good, but all in all, I gather his main complaint of the day has been the heat.

Tomorrow, Mick has an even shorter ride to Glaucester, so he'll leave 8.3o ish and should still arrive early-ish in the afternoon.

Life here in Cornwall goes on, though I must say it's a bit boring without Mick, so I'm really looking forward to seeing him on Thursday, when I'll collect him fro Okehampton and bring him home briefly. Somehow, I doubt I'll get a word in edgewise though!

So sorry Alan S that you couldn't make it today. Going to work's a pain, isn't it?

All being well, Si will meet up with Mick at some point tomorrow, and maybe, just maybe, Mick will be able to Blog again at the end of the day.

Thanks to all followers and supporters, and night night. Hilary X

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Little Old Me!

    The Met Office site says it's gently cooling off during the week so I hope the riding gets a bit more pleasant from here on in.

    (Was going to add a comment a couple of posts ago regarding the beer but was at work/extremely jealous at the time lol)
