Monday, 17 May 2010

Hello All.
Mick's got problems with his WiFi connection at Edinburgh, so I'm afraid you'll have to make do with me again!

When I spoke to Mick each time today, he's sounded in good spirits still.

Today's ride has taken him just short of 10 hours, and he's covered 73.07 miles from Pitlochry to Edinburgh. His overall average speed was 7.4 mph, though his moving speed was 10 mph. Not at all bad I reckon.

In Mick's words, " The weather was glorious, and the Wind Gods were good!"

Since he left John O'Groats, he's cycled 299.19 miles! Fantastic!!

At Milnthort, DougieB joined Mick and rode into Edinburgh with him. A much appreciated diversion for Mick- Thank you Dougie x This was also really good as Dougie knew a better way through Edinburgh than Mick had taken previously. You just cannot beat a bit of local knowledge! Again Thank you Dougie.

Tomorrow, Mick's taking a day off in Edinburgh. A much earned day of rest! He'll be able to take in as much tartan as he wants and still have room for more! Though whether he can beat last nights haggis, neeps and tatties remains to be seen! Apparently, The Chieftan did him really proud!

His arrival at Edinburgh YH at first looked a bit too much, as it coincided with the arrival with a coachload of French school children, so Mick was fearful that check in would take an age. In the event, it wasn't half so bad, as just a couple of adults signed in for all of them. Phew! Mick had actually resigned himself to an hours wait, sitting in Reception with Trailer, but within 10 minutes, he'd phoned to say he was safely ensconced in his dorm.

I know how frustrated Mick is feeling at not being able to add his four pennorth worth to his Blog, and will do his level best to rectify the situation, hopefully before he leaves Edinburgh on Wednesday morning, so please be patient, and no doubt, you'll all find out all the ins and outs of the last 2 days soon from the horse's mouth!

Meanwhile, it's Good night from him and good night from me! X


  1. Sounds like Mick had a great day, enjoy your day off Mick, you've earned it. Bumped into some Joglers at the bike shop in Launceston today, one of them was replacing a wheel as it kept suffering broken spokes and had buckled again. Thanks for the update Hilary.

  2. Thanks Hilary, sounds like Monday was a huge success! Hope you enjoyed the day off Mick, Edinburgh's a lovely place as cities go. Great work!
