Sunday, 9 May 2010

I was crest-fallen when I heard the news this morning about the return of the Dreaded Ash Cloud. The met office reckon that it will return to UK airspace next week and Northern Scotland is closed even now.

Consequently, I've been on line and booked train tickets.
I'm booked on Plymouth to Edinburgh on Tuesday 11th, arriving at Edinburgh at 16:16 £155
Overnight B+B is now booked at Edinburgh SYHA on Leith Walk £28.25
Then Edinburgh to Wick via Perth and Inverness the next morning, arriving at Wick at 18:15 only £25!!!

This means I arrive in Wick the previous evening to my original plans, so I need to contact my B+B to arrange another night. I doubt this is a problem, but I have yet to phone them. Also, I have to get out to the airport to collect Chopper and Trailer, but it's not far - perhaps I can walk, it's only a mile or so.

The issue of my flight costs remains. I booked and paid budget prices, so I doubt I can get a refund unless the flight gets cancelled by them or the volcanic ash. I'll phone them tomorrow to plead my case. Either way, the price wasn't astronomical, only £120. High enough for me to want it back, but it's not the end of the world. On the plus side, I did have a taxi booked to drive me to Exeter Airport very early on Thursday morning, that was going to cost £75, so that's £75 saved out of the possibly non-refundable air fare.

Upshot of all this, is that I can relax knowing I can get there on time. If I'd waited to see whether I could fly or not, it would be too late for alternatives.

I now need to get my head round the fact that I'm off the day after tomorrow .............

Regards to everybody,


  1. Mick, you're an inspiration!

    I'm planning on doing a JogLe next June, figuring that as I live in Plymouth that getting home would be SO much easier from Land's End.
    Also, it seems from so many blogs that the "prevailing winds" theory doesn't really work, but rather that it is sheer pot luck?

    Anyway, best of luck on your mad & utterly incredible journey! Like so many others I will be following your progress closely.

    When you're back & recovered, I might just cycle out to buy you a pint of your favourite.

  2. Thanks William! I may take you up on a beer!

    Prevailing winds? We seem to have been in a NE air stream these past few weeks, so that puts paid to Southwesterlies in the spring idea! Hopefully it will keep up for a while yet. It also means dryish weather.

    Up early this morning, I've not slept too well - my head full of plans and thoughts.

    Thanks again,

  3. Your organisational skills leave me in awe. I'd still be panicking and running around cursing!
