Monday, 29 March 2010

I've not been idle these past two weeks. Although the weather has been wet and cold, I have managed to get out on Chopper a couple of times.

Today, I rode out through Tavistock and up towards Brentor, then turned for home and into a brisk and cold westerly. Hard work or what! I completed 18 miles with Trailer in tow. A good ride, but I need to get out more, and clock up a 60 or 70 miler. Maybe later this week, weather permitting.

On Friday, four of us went out for a meal at The Bird's Nest Chinese restaurant. We took a taxi each way, and whilst chatting about me and Chopper, the taxi driver said, "Oh, it's you! I've seen you out and about on it, and always smiled to myself. I had a Chopper when I was a kid!" We explained what I was going to do on the thing, and as the driver dropped us off he was still smiling!

Choppers bring out the best in people.

44 days to go.
That's all.
I'm getting nervous.

We've started getting sponsor forms together. I've raised money for national charities before, but this time I wanted to keep it "local", so I've decided to raise some money for Gunnislake Primary School. Like all schools, they are very short of funds, and the Infants Department, or should I say Key Stage One, are as short of funds as can be. They have an outside play area that the education department are hoping to improve, so if I can swell the coffers somewhat, all the better for the little 'uns.

On Thursday, the day they break up for Easter, I'm attending the school assembly. I have to be there by 10.15 fully kitted out with Chopper and Trailer and explain to the assembled masses my intention, showing them this 40 year old bicycle and strange contraption of a trailer. I'm sure some of the older kids will understand the monumental task and appreciate Chopper, but I feel that I may leave the smaller kids somewhat baffled. I intend taking a map and showing the route - hopefully they understand maps, but I'm sure they will understand "a thousand miles!"

I only need to chat for a few minutes, but it's doing my head in. I could talk to adults all day about bicycles and cycling and all things Chopper, but kids? Good grief! Anyway, they won't bite. (I am reliably informed!)

More later, thanks for checking in.


  1. Hi Mick, nice one. I would to donate to the school, as good cause. Love the Chopper.

  2. Thanks Martin!
    I plan on getting a "Just Giving" page started.

    I'll keep you all informed.

