Monday, 8 March 2010

I managed to buy a new 18t sprocket contained within a six speed freewheel unit this morning. It only cost £6.99 for the whole lot, so I can't complain.

The fitting wasn't much of a problem, the sprocket had to be filed on the inside to fit onto a boss. Ten minutes later it was on and drilled through to bolt it in position. Next I needed a road test!

I hopped on and went for a spin, and everything felt fine, except the chain came off! No real problem, and I rode home again.

This afternoon I've been for a longer ride, and although the chain came off again, I'm very happy. This new Campagnolo chain changes gear so sweetly, I'm going to have to be very accurate with the gear adjustments. Tomorrow will be Adjustment Day!

The new mirror is a bit of a pain. The glass is flat, and ideally it should be convex, so I was finding the view a little limited - better than nothing, but a little limited. It only cost a couple of quid, so I should expect something less than perfect. The idea is good, so I'll shop around for a better one.

Thanks for reading,
Another update soon.

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